Regressing with the Kings Power Manga

Regressing with the Kings Power Manga

Regressing with the Kings Power Manga Info :

Nisekoi,Nisekoi: False Love,manga,Nisekoi manga,Nisekoi: False Love manga

Where can I read Regressing with the Kings Power?

You can read Regressing with the Kings Power manga online at in English for free.

What is the release schedule for Regressing with the Kings Power manga?

Regressing with the Kings Power Chapters are released weekly. But sometimes, the manga chapters get delayed. Bookmark to stay notified whenever a new chapter is released.

Regressing with the Kings Power Reviews:

What this story lacks: Power balance. Its a fairly basic premise but many authors fuck it to all oblivion and prety much write themselves into a corner. If you make a S class this all powerful thing, there really should be no way a D/C ranker should be able to do jack shit. But because “OP must never lose to start” to show off how strong he is, of course he can beat up 3 S class characters without any issue.

Art is wonderful, the studio is wasted on this awful story and generic ideas that are pretty much just stolen from other stories.

Characters: Pretty abysmal, lacking any sort of real depth besides “Person bad, doesnt think much” and this one track mindedness. Theres no depth, at 19 chapters this lacks any sort of decent depth to ANY of the charcters. You may think well the story just started of course theres not, no ive seen manwha with 20 chapters actually flesh out their characters FAR more then this.

about Regressing with the King’s Power

“I’ll eat all your skills!” “F*ck this awakening bullshit.” “To hell with being a loser.” Kim Taehyun, whose awakening level remains undetermined, was treated as a loser because he failed to awaken. However, he awakened his ability at the moment of his death when a gate was created which lead to the king. Afterwards, Taehyun, who has returned due to the power of the king, gains a new skill called Predation. Taehyun, a 35-year old male, regresses to when he was 19. [Skill has been devoured]. Using this power, I can be placed among the best

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